A Testimony of God’s Goodness

Working in the Compassion Ministry is where I came to understand more of God’s purpose and plan for my life. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be part of the Compassion Ministry. I thought I would just merely work but as I stayed in the Ministry, I came to realize how God loves me so much. God molded me more in my spiritual life.

I was once like the Compassion kids who had undergone difficulties in life. A family left by an irresponsible father. When he left, he also forgot his responsibility towards us. During my childhood years I have no time to play instead I spent most of my time helping my family work in the farm/kaingin, gather firewood and doing other chores I could do to be of help to them. There were times when we have no food to eat and my older sisters resorted to asking food from our neighbors and cousins.

Jefferson Monda and Anthony Jr. Sagyawen During the Childrens Month..."Child Right and Protection"

Art by Jefferson Monda and Anthony Jr. Sagyawen during the Childrens Month…”Child Right and Protection”

Despite of these difficulties, my mother fervently clung to her faith. She faithfully served the Lord and continued bringing us to church where I came to know Jesus in my life. God has shown His love to our family. Three of my older sisters were registered in the Compassion Ministry when it started its Family Helper Plan. Through God’s continued provision of our needs, we were able to survive from our difficult life. From those situations I’ve been through, I was taught to love God more, to be strong in my faith and continually serve Him.

I thank Him for He gave me courage, determination and perseverance to pursue my education. Indeed, I successfully finished my degree in college. I thank God for opening opportunities for me. What I am today is because of God’s blessings and grace in my life. The God I came to know since I was young is still the God of today. Romans 8:28 – And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

By: Sis. Marriance Castro-Pagayonan

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